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Last night, my friend was showing me his car – a vintage Land Rover that he’s modified slightly so that it was drivable today. It certainly looked cool, I’ll give him that – the old-fashioned style, the design, the spare tyre on the hood. But by God, did it look unsafe. No airbags. Thin windows that weren’t shatter resistant. A chassis made of aluminium that would be dented by the slightest impact. And worst of all, the wing mirrors weren’t even proper wing mirrors. They were just tiny circles of reflective glass on stalks coming off the bonnet. My friend even referred to them as “pinprick mirrors”.

I don’t know how you’re supposed to see out of them safely, and I’m glad that I drive a vehicle that gives me proper visibility. But it just goes to show how our vehicles are being constantly redesigned to be safer and give you greater visibility. Many new vehicles have an inbuilt reversing camera, which lets you see the road behind you clearly and without having to rely on mirrors. But if you’re driving a vehicle that doesn’t have one of those, maybe an older model, then you should strongly consider getting a reversing camera kit from Safety Dave.

It’s like my friend’s Land Rover. Maybe it works, technically speaking. Somehow he’s managed to get it classified as roadworthy. But I’d really rather not squint every time I used my mirrors. The rear vision camera is the next step up, doing away with relying on mirrors and craning your neck at awkward angles every time you reverse. With a camera, you get a better view, and you don’t have to worry about your mirrors getting fogged up or covered in rain. Safety Dave gives you the best in rear vision technology to make your driving safe and easy.