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Clairvoyance is the power to see objects at a distance. It’s a commonplace of fantasy fiction, where mystical oracles can scry on distant events. Perhaps evil witches use sorcery to spy on their enemies, or heroes receive a vision of the object of their quest. It’s also often talked about it the paranormal community, with claims of extra-sensory perception, or remote viewing.

But all the mysticism aside, technology has made this once-mythical ability a reality. Just think about television, or video calls – we can now watch what’s happening on the other side of the world in real time. Cameras and similar technology allow us to see all sorts of places that were once obscured or hidden. And even if it seems miraculous when described like this, it’s filtered into the mundanest aspects of our lives.

Case in point: the reversing camera kit. Only a few decades ago, this would have seemed like the stuff of science fiction. But now, it’s a safety must that every vehicle should have. The ability to properly see behind you when you reverse, without relying on mirrors and their limitations is invaluable. Unfettered by weather conditions, light levels, or awkward angles, a rear vision camera provides vital awareness of your surroundings, enabling you to drive safely whether you’re backing out onto a busy road or trying to attempt a three-point turn in a narrow laneway.

Safety Dave believes that the best reversing cameras, while they might not be magic, really do have powers that can save your trailer or even the life of unwary toddlers or beloved family pets. A camera will protect you, your vehicle, and those around you. It’s a crucial addition to your safety equipment, and we strongly recommend it for every vehicle.