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At the end of the day, cars are surprisingly fragile. Sure, they have airbags and crumple zones and all sorts of safety features. And they’re made of sturdy metal and have a reinforced chassis and all of that will probably save your life in a collision. But while the car might protect the driver and passengers, you can still get a nasty scratch or dent or jack up your suspension from something that happens even when you’re travelling at relatively low speeds.

Case in point: reversing. You’ll be doing under 5 km/h, but can still do some expensive damage to your car or someone else’s if you back into a wall, a pole, or another vehicle. And heaven help you there’s an animal – or worse, a child – in the way. That’s why it’s well worth getting a reversing camera to ensure that you don’t hit anything.

Unlike other accidents that occur while driving, which are matters of concentration and happen at high speeds, these sorts of scrapes and bumps can happen despite your best efforts. Especially if you’re an inexperienced driver, you might be doing your absolute best to back out of a tight parking spot safely, but misjudge distance and hit something. This is particularly true given the noted tendency of mirrors to distort distances. A rear vision camera enhances your field of vision, and the accompanying monitor aids you in gauging just how far away objects are. That way, the danger of making a bad call and hitting something is drastically reduced.

The reversing camera kit increases the information that you have at your fingertips, and access to more information means that you’re less likely to make costly and potentially dangerous mistakes. Getting a camera is the smart thing to do, and the cost is well worth the money you’ll save in avoiding accidents while reversing.