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Every year in Australia, around 20,000 people suffer a cardiac arrest outside of hospital and of those 20,000, only around 10% will survive. Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when an electrical malfunction of the heart causes it to suddenly stop beating properly ceasing blood flow around the body, and if not treated fast and effectively, the result will be death within 10 minutes. Safety Dave is a trusted supplier of premium defibrillators (AEDs), the device required to shock the heart back into regular rhythm to maximise the chances of survival. Here’s a few questions we are often asked about AED devices.

Why is it called an AED?

This is an abbreviation of the full name of the device – automated external defibrillator.

Automated – This means the AED is automatic, it will do its job automatically once switched on.

External – This means it is used externally from the patient.

Defibrillator – Means to de-fibrillate the heart and restore normal heart function.

How Do They Work?

A defibrillator is a fault finding device, and identifies if a heart is fibrillating in an abnormal rhythm.

If the defibrillator finds the heart fibrillating abnormally, it will trigger a shock to be delivered through the patient’s heart. The shock delivered is Bi-Phasic, this means it delivers 2 small shocks that are milliseconds apart. The first de-sensitises the heart and stops the fibrillation, while the second shock is designed to re-trigger the heart into a normal beating rhythm.

Are Defibrillators Easy to Use?

Modern defibrillators are designed to be exceptionally user-friendly, providing clear easy-to-follow instructions that will tell you exactly what to do and when. From the moment the AED is switched on it will prompt the user both visually and verbally with clear and concise, step-by-step instructions.

The reason for this is because in the event of an emergency, there won’t always be someone around with a medical background or first aid experience.

When Do I Use One?

Defibrillators are used in the event of sudden cardiac arrest. This is whenever someone collapses, and a pulse or breathing cannot be detected.


CPR will circulate blood through the body and help to prevent tissue death in the heart and brain.

Once CPR has been started, it’s time to apply the AED. CPR must continue while the pads are applied to the patient.

Does a Defibrillator Restart a Heart That Has Stopped?

No. Defibrillators do not restart a heart once it has completed stopped. AED/Defibrillators work to identify an irregular fibrillating heart rhythm and then shock the heart so that it can return to its natural rhythm. Defibrillators cannot shock a heart back to life, in this case professionally administered drugs are required.

Do I Need Special Training?

As mentioned above, AEDs are simple to operated and almost anyone is able to use one, no special training is required. First aid training courses generally cover the use of defibrillators (or AEDs), as well as other important first aid information that can help save lives in a range of situations.

Are Defibrillators Safe?

Yes. A defibrillator analyses the heart of the patient to identify if the heart is fibrillating in an abnormal rhythm. It will only perform a shock if the heart is fibrillating so it will never shock a patient whose heart rhythm is correct.

Can I Re-Use a Defibrillator?

Yes. However, the electrodes (the bits that you stick to the victim’s chest) will need to be replaced.

Can You Buy One for Home?

Defibrillators are affordable and are available to purchase for both business and personal use. It is a great idea to keep a portable AED in your home, car or caravan as you never know when you may need to use one to save a life.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest can strike anyone, anywhere and at any time, having access to a defibrillator will almost certainly be the difference between life and death. If you are looking for a high quality defibrillator for sale, Safety Dave is here to help. We stock and supply a huge range of premium safety products for personal or commercial use including defibrillators (AEDs), reversing cameras, TPMS, fire safety and first aid kits. Shop online or get in touch with us by calling 1800 072 338 today.