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Ever heard or Richard Whittington? He was Lord Mayor of London four times, though often people only count the last three (his predecessor died in office). He was often known as Dick. And he might have had a cat.

Confused? Well, the issue is that there are really two separate characters. There’s the historical Richard Whittington, and there’s his folkloric equivalent, Dick Whittington, who was a poor boy who became rich and successful in part thanks to his highly talented cat. There’s a stage play adaptation of this story, and it includes an episode where – about to flee and give up – Dick Whittington is motivated to continue his hard work when he hears London’s Bow Bells. He thinks they tell him: “Turn again, Whittington: Thrice Lord Mayer of London!”

Now, regardless of talented cats or talking church bells, often when driving you have to turn and turn and turn again. It isn’t fun. Imagine reversing down a narrow driveway, think of all the head checks that you need to do. You’re bound to get a crick in your neck simple from the awkwardness. The solution is simple – get a reversing camera, and you can just glance at your dashboard and check the monitor for all the visual information that you need.

A reversing camera kit gives you superior vision and heightens your awareness of your surroundings. It’s much better than a cat who can catch rats or a church bell that also works as a motivational poster – a camera mounted on the back of your car, truck, or trailer boosts your safety and helps you reverse without backing into obstacles. And if a cat really is the key to your fortune, then you better make darn well sure that you don’t accidentally run it over when reversing. A rear vision camera will help keep your cat safe too.