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Once upon a time, a camera was an awfully bulky thing. It took many minutes to set up, and a family had to stay still for a painfully long time while they had their picture taken. You ever wonder why everybody looks so grumpy in old photographs? You’d be grumpy too if you had to wait for ages, without moving a muscle, while a photographer took the shot. Even much more recently, cameras were still sizable – the digital camera is quite a modern invention, and before then, everything went on to physical film.

Of course, these days, cameras are everywhere – in your phone, in your laptop, even on every street corner and attached to the ceiling of shops as security footage works to reduce crime and increase paranoia. One of the many applications of cameras is to road safety – from the red light camera to the speed camera, cameras are becoming part of our lives. The reversing camera is just the next step – a device that you can attach to your vehicle and that will open up your line of sight when you’re reversing, so that you can properly see the space behind you.

Safety Dave offers caravan reversing camera kits, too, which is important when you’ve got a trailer that obscures mirrors and blocks your vision. You can connect two rear vision cameras to the same monitor, so you can see behind your vehicle and behind the trailer using the 2-channel system. That way, you don’t have to guess, hold your breath, and pray that you don’t hit anything or anyone. You can feel secure with the assistance of the camera, knowing that you’re safe as you reverse into that tight spot or out onto that busy road. Because at the end of the day, you might not be safer with cameras everywhere – but you will be safer with one on your car.