Reversing or parallel parking with a dirty, grimy, streak-filled back windscreen is a difficult ordeal, especially in low-light conditions or when it’s foggy. Now obviously, cleaning your windscreen is the first part of solving the problem. But even with a clean windscreen, reversing can be rough. It’s tough to get the distance just right, given how the process involves looking at unfamiliar angles and relying on mirrors that distort distances. In fact, parallel parking is such a stressful and fraught procedure that many new drivers prefer to avoid it altogether if the conditions are at all unfavourable, preferring to walk a little further so they can find an easier park. When you think about how impatient other drivers can get when you hold up traffic trying to park, it’s quite a sympathetic plight.
But there is an easier way. A reversing camera kit takes the anxiety out of reversing and parallel parking, replacing uncertain estimates with confident decisions made based on clear and obvious information. By showing you the area behind your vehicle with a handy monitor, you can judge just how far back you need to go and how much you need to turn. A rear vision camera transforms parallel parking from a trial to just another part of driving, providing a massive benefit to inexperienced drivers.
The reversing camera isn’t just for new drivers, either. It’s also highly recommended for anyone driving larger vehicles or towing trailers. Safety Dave has a large range of kits for caravans, boats, and motor homes, so you can find whatever camera suits your needs.