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Home > Blog > All Forms of Travel Require Safety Considerations

All forms of travel require safety considerations. Naturally, these vary from person to person. If you’re walking, then you don’t need much safety equipment, though sometimes articles such as a sunhat or umbrella might prove useful. If you’re on a skateboard, you’ll ideally want elbow-pads and knee-pads, not to mention a helmet; for riding a bike, a helmet is essential, as is high-visibility gear such as lights and hi-vis clothing at night. Motorbikes have their own set of paraphernalia, from helmets to jackets. And way at the other end of the spectrum, I won’t even begin to list all of the safety features of aircraft, space shuttles, and nuclear submarines.

But right in the middle, of course, we have road vehicles – from cars to caravans, and everything in between. Airbags, mirrors – these are all familiar. But more and more, there’s another item that’s beginning to be viewed as essential: the rear vision camera.

Also known as reversing cameras, these gizmos are increasingly preinstalled in cars because – as many people know – reversing is hard. Mirrors don’t accurately represent the situation behind a car, and visibility is limited in all sorts of ways. So having a way to see what’s behind you without having to rely on guesswork hugely enhances the safety of your driving, and makes your driving experience safer and far more relaxed.

Of course, these cameras don’t have to come preinstalled. Safety Dave can set you up with the best reversing cameras on the market, giving you a reliable way to reverse safely without constantly looking at your mirrors. The camera works at night, too, which is an added bonus, and makes what would otherwise be an extremely difficult driving situation stress-free. Really, it’s an obvious choice – keep using mirrors and find yourself roughly judging the distance between your care and the ride of that co-worker you really don’t want to piss off, or take the easy way out and get the camera.